They probably could both get their license, but since they don't have to pay extra for insurance as long as they have a permit, that's the way it will stay for a while.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Finally More Drivers!
They probably could both get their license, but since they don't have to pay extra for insurance as long as they have a permit, that's the way it will stay for a while.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The STRESS of Being the ONLY DRIVER!
Once my husband lost his license, I became the ONLY driver. My son's where not old enough to get even a permit. So, we are down to 1 car, not that we can afford another.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Loosing Your Independance NOT Driving
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Not Driving Any More because of Brain Surgery
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Results of the Brain TEST
Once the results were back about my husband's brain function, we went back for another meeting with the doctor. The test showed there was signs of damage. His memory was seemingly in tact. What that meant is once my husband gets the information in his brain, it's there. The problem was getting it in.
Also where the cyst was is basically a dent, that will not go away. Your brain is not like a sponge. It won't expand back out, once it is pushed aside.
Since the cyst was on the back side of the brain on the Cerabellum, it pushed the brain to the front of the head, Behind the forehead. This is where your cognative part of your brain is. So there are issues with that also! This was all done BEFORE the 2nd Brain surgery. At this point my husband was still driving, but not for long!
Friday, February 6, 2009