
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Day of 1st Brain Surgery!

We were stunned that within a week, my husband was having his brain surgery. But, things were just getting worse for him. His cyst was pressing on his cerebellum, which controls your motor functions. At the time of the first scan, it was the size of a package of sugar. After 4-5 hours of surgery, the doctor came out to say everything was O.K. He said it had grown to the size of a lime. That was within about a 2 week period from his first CAT scan. That is about 1/4 the size of you entire brain. You don't have any extra room there, so I was so worried about brain damage.
I made sure to ask the doctor what the chance of this coming back. He said, very minor, like 5%. That sounded pretty good to me. They couldn't get it all, since it was wrapped around an ear nerve, so they had to just poke holes in it, they call it fennastration. Little did we know it would be back within months!

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