
Friday, March 13, 2009

The Clinic Wont Work for My Husband!

My husband's company went bankrupt while he was on medical leave. So, that left us with no income & NO INSURANCE! Of course there was a cobra, but it was more money a month than we made. So, since last September, neither me nor my husband has seen a doctor. Just can't afford it.
Found out about a place nearby that is a clinic. You would think it is free, but it is NOT. They do discount your payment, but you still have to pay something. We went by over 3 months ago and just had our appointment today. They were able to draw blood from me & help with perscriptions, but they said my husband's brain problems were beyond their scope. Still had to pay for his 1st visit. All they can do is give him some perscriptions.
At least this doctor gave us an idea. He said have we tried to speak to the original doctor, the neurologist, tell him our situation and see if he would discount our visits. The only problem, is that doctor can't do anything either, at least not without an MRI. Do you know how much they cost? They charged my insurance $5-10 thousand $$ per MRI. My husband is suppose to have one every 6 months. Cash MRI's are around $1,000, at least that is what the doctor said today. So which kid do we sell? Rosey~

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