
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Arachnoid Cyst Back within 6 Month!

You could have pushed me over with a feather! Everything, we thought was going fine. My husband's doctor moved out of state, so we had to find another brain surgeon. We did. Of course they send you for the normal MRI and said it was back! We were standing in the hall looking at a computer. I almost fainted! What do you mean, it's back? The previous doctor said only a small 5% chance of that happening.

Well, we found out then, it's more like a large % chance of it reoccurring. Would have been nice to know the first go around. We could have opted for a shunt to be put in. Now we had to have another BRAIN SURGERY! At least this time, it wasn't a quality of life issue. We had some time to do research. But, still your options are limited. One year later, almost to the day we are doing this again, having Brain Surgery!

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