
Monday, January 26, 2009

Finding Out You Need Brain Surgery!

After our very frightening experience in the ER and getting no answers, which happened to be on a Sunday, we went to our family physician. Of course, he sent us for all these heart stress tests. My husband almost passed out on the treadmill. Then about a week later after all the tests came back negative, we got "THE CALL". Our physician said he was handing my husband's care over to a neurologist (brain surgeon). So, we made an appointment and went to him the next week. We had a copy of the scan and brought it with us. That was a Monday. All the while my husband's condition is deteriorating. We just didn't know why.

As soon as the doctor pulled up his scan he came back in the room, he was only gone maybe 3 minutes, and said this is what I see, tell me what you see. He said the brain is suppose to be a mirror image on both sides. As we progressed thru the images, you could see this white looking lump appear. He said that's it, an arachnoid cyst! Your husband has to have brain surgery to remove this.

We went home and did what little research we could in 2 days. We even tried to see if there was another doctor we could see for a 2nd opinion. Of course, there wasn't on such short notice. So, we went back on Wednesday to let the Dr. know we agreed to the surgery. We told him what we tried to do about getting a 2nd opinion. But, he said he had already scheduled my husband's surgery for this Friday. It wasn't a matter of "IF" he was having the surgery, but "WHO" was doing it! You could have pushed me over with a feather.

All my husband could do at this point was "thumbs up" , let's do this! He could bearly walk or talk. The cyst was pressing on his cerabellum, the part of the brain that you use for motor skills. My husband was only 40 years old. That was 2 brain surgeries ago! We'll talk about the actual surgery day later.


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